A Study on Bare Hand Martial Arts Shown in the Joseon Sahoegwahak Haksuljib of North Korea Centering on Nalparam, Suback, Subakhee, Taekwondo and Taekkyeon 북한의 조선사회과학학술집에 나타난 맨손무술에 관한 연구 - 날파람, 수박, 수박희, 태권도, 택견을 중심으로 -
A Study on Bare Hand Martial Arts Shown in the Joseon Sahoegwahak Haksuljib of North Korea Centering on Nalparam, Suback, Subakhee, Taekwondo and Taekkyeon 북한의 조선사회과학학술집에 나타난 맨손무술에 관한 연구 - 날파람, 수박, 수박희, 태권도, 택견을 중심으로 -
This study investigated martial art training sections in the Joseon Sahoegwahak Haksuljib (collection of Korean social science studies) of North Korea with regard to Nalparam, Subak, Subakhee, Taekwondo, and Taekkyeon. The conclusions are as follows. First, in North Korea, martial art training such as martial art drills and physical training programs is used for fun in ordinary times, and as a military skill during warfare. Second, the names Subak and Subakhee are used interchangeably and are referred to as Kwonbeop in publications in afterages, which is blowing the opponent down with fisticuffs. Third, the name Nalparam means swiftly moving to attack and defend against the opponent. It is a martial art game popular in the Pyeongyang region. Fourth, Taekwondo was newly created on the basis of excellent skills of traditional martial arts long-inherited among the people, for example Subak, Taekkyeon, and Nalparam, and underpinned by scientific research. Fifth, Taekkyeon is a martial art game of which aim is to blowing the opponent down primarily with kicks.
The Early History of American Football in the Y.M.C.A.: Based on the Triangle Articles 초창기 Y.M.C.A.의 미식축구 발전사 - The Triangle의 기사내용을 중심으로 -
이가람LeeKa-ram , 우승호WooSeung-ho
56(5) 13-24, 2017
The Early History of American Football in the Y.M.C.A.: Based on the Triangle Articles 초창기 Y.M.C.A.의 미식축구 발전사 - The Triangle의 기사내용을 중심으로 -
이가람LeeKa-ram , 우승호WooSeung-ho
Physical education movement led by the YMCA can be summed up in two things: inventing various sport cultures and spreading them. This study aimed to investigate the process through which American football permeated through the YMCA and ideologies beyond it to understand the link the North American YMCA and sports. This study looked at this issue from a micro-perspective and drew a conclusion as follows. First, evangelical movement and triangle were the direct background of accepting the American football and muscular christianity was foundational to the growth of the YMCA American football. Second, the acceptance of American football was to express the willingness that the YMCA officially would accept sports, and the birth of American football teams derived from the perception that American football could cultivate the whole christians. Third, Stagg’s remarkable leadership and confidence and the voluntary passion of people who wished evangelization through physical activities gave an impetus to the YMCA American football team’s rapid growth despite players’ poor physical condition and their short period time of exercise. This ideological affiliation played a significant role in American football functioning as a mould which shaped the YMCA members’ Christian manliness. The trace the YMCA American football team left in the 19th century were an opportunity to make the YMCA aware of the value of sport as a mechanism for evangelization through physical activities, and this implies the starting point of YMCA's physical activity promotion.
Key Words
YMCA 미식축구, 강건한 기독교주의, 복음주의 운동, ymca American football, muscular christianity, evangelical movement
Making Athlete Society Healthy through Exploration on the Identity of Violence 폭력의 정체성 탐색을 통한 건전한 운동선수사회 만들기
서경화SeoKyungHwa , 안용규AhnYoungKyu
56(5) 25-33, 2017
Making Athlete Society Healthy through Exploration on the Identity of Violence 폭력의 정체성 탐색을 통한 건전한 운동선수사회 만들기
서경화SeoKyungHwa , 안용규AhnYoungKyu
The purpose of this study is to understand Hannah Arendt ‘sheer thoughtlessness’ and ‘banality of evil’ to find the identity of violence within athlete community. By discussing symbolic and structural violence that are objective violence inherent in culture and system through Slavoj Žižek’s viewpoint, we were able to reveal the true nature of violence, and overcome the crisis fell upon athlete community. Three main points of violence in athlete community were thoughtlessness, inability to communicate, and culture of intolerance. First, athlete community needs to break off the tradition of violence between senior-junior relationships, and punishment by coaches caused by anger or impulse. They also need to deal with their urge with upright discernment and judgment based on reason. Second, athlete community must work their way through the inability to communicate and discrimination by practicing mutual respect and consideration between colleagues. They must try to acknowledge differences in culture and lifestyle between one another. Third, they must work to banish acts of sexual violence and coercion, both verbally and physically, between the strong and the weak. Therefore, to free athlete community from violence, one must be able to discern between right and wrong on one’s own will. This will lead to changed, developed, and healthy athlete community.
A Debate on the Approval of Baduk as a Sport and Its Tasks 바둑의 스포츠화 논쟁과 과제
56(5) 35-45, 2017
A Debate on the Approval of Baduk as a Sport and Its Tasks 바둑의 스포츠화 논쟁과 과제
The purpose of this study was to propose tasks should be solved for closing the debate on the approval of baduk as a sport. The main results as follows: First, the sport processes of baduk did not collect public views and could be suspected of applying political pressure because of its rapid institutionalization. Second, the affirmative side of the sport processes of baduk argued that physical activity was not an important factor in establishing the precise nature of sport any more and the nature of sport could be changeable not permanent. On the other hand, the negative side argued that physical activity was still an important factor in establishing the precise nature of sport, sport and baduk had a culturally different background in their formation process, and a hasty institutionalization could not justify the sport processes of baduk. Third, the affirmative side and the baduk community should be assimilate into the sport community and show their pursuit of the sport ethos that shared with the members of the sport community. The negative side and the sport community should clearly prescribe the concept of sport by reconceptualizing physical activity that could be a key aspect in this issue. Finally, it should be need to accept of current changing reality that baduk was already an institutionalized sport and to develop the scientific discussion reflected this reality for solution of this sharp conflicts.
Key Words
바둑, 스포츠화 과정, 스포츠의 본성, 신체활동, 제도화된 스포츠, baduk, the process of sportization, nature of sport, physical activity, institutionalized sport
Aristotle's thought of Physical Education(16) : Practical Syllogism of Doping by Intention 아리스토텔레스의 체육사상(16): 고의적 도핑행위에 대한 실천추론
56(5) 47-55, 2017
Aristotle's thought of Physical Education(16) : Practical Syllogism of Doping by Intention 아리스토텔레스의 체육사상(16): 고의적 도핑행위에 대한 실천추론
This paper examines the intentional doping behavior of athletes who are the subject of doping behavior itself as well as the subject of doping test through the practical syllogism in Aristotle's 『Nichomachean Ethics』. Despite the fact that the athlete knows that it is banned drugs, and one aware of the doping policy but does take the drugs. In this case, the athlete have knowledge but are not using it correctly. In other words, if the particular situations are not combined with universal premise, wrong conclusions are drawn and this leads to the occurrence of false acts such as doping. Therefore, in order not to make errors in particular premise, it is necessary to judge right and wrong in the conflict that arise between knowledge and practice, and to acquire practical wisdom to pursue of avoid own needs. In order for this practice to be internalized, it is important to consider the true reason for the human good and the process of reflection to judge what action should be taken for it. Therefore, it is expected that this study will provide a practical alternative for the prevention of recurrence of doping through epidemiological analysis of the knowing of the doping and the theoretical basis of discrepancy between knowing and practicing.
Social Implication of Active Aging as Sport Welfare 스포츠복지와 Active aging의 사회적 함의
56(5) 57-72, 2017
Social Implication of Active Aging as Sport Welfare 스포츠복지와 Active aging의 사회적 함의
Currently, the government is projecting AASC a key task which is benchmarked from active aging policies of developed countries. To specify, the key issues of this policy are to educate sport care instructors and to foster the elder friendly projects. In order to find the answers of research questions, this study reviewed literature including organizations reports and official documents from WHO, EU, UN as well as academic journals of active aging, health and welfare policies, and elder sport policies. The study concluded that AASC should be a major task of welfare policy for elder sports care and for this, the government should develop the system conversing medical soceity, health-welfare sector, and elder-friendly projects. The study also leads to four notions. First society needs to expand social cognitions regarding economic effects of sports activities on health promotion. Second, for public recognition about this issue, the government should advertise the effects that elder sport activities lead to their health life and opportunities to be part of the community, escaping from a meaningless life. Third, it is necessary for welfare instructors of elders to build their own central organization which provides professional guideline, services, and even develop initiatives assisting governmental policies. Finally, AASC should play a role as active aging policy of Korea and it should be used to integrate academic sectors discussed above.
Key Words
액티브 에이징, Active aging, 스포츠 복지, Sport Welfare
Development and Effect on Physical Leisure Activity Program for Preventing Suicide in Elderly Males 남성 노인자살예방을 위한 신체 여가활동 프로그램개발 및 효과검증
56(5) 73-89, 2017
Development and Effect on Physical Leisure Activity Program for Preventing Suicide in Elderly Males 남성 노인자살예방을 위한 신체 여가활동 프로그램개발 및 효과검증
The purpose of this study is to develop a physical leisure activity program to prevent suicide among elderly men, which is becoming a major social issue, to make an appropriate alternative and foresee severity of elderly men suicide and investigate an effect of the program. The study was composed of each stages, program development, application and investigation of effect and it was conducted according to ADDIE model suggested in a study by Jo Hyung Jin (2016). Development stage was processed by each steps, analyzing(A) →Designing(D)→Development(D)→ Implementation(I)→Evaluation(E). According to the study result, 10 activities (Memorizing game, feet bowling while be seated, torch-bearing, kicking balloon game, building a wish top, volleyball in Ping-Pong style, crossing river and water activity, bounding balloon, basketball, Korean circle dance, and so on) were developed and it was found that the developed programs had an effect of decreasing depression (t=3.404, p<.01) and thought of committing suicide (t=2.689, p<.05). With this study result, it is expected that the program is able to help elderly to engage in physical activities and have a social safety net, which is a social network. In addition, the program can be nationwide in its application and acceptance.
Key Words
남성 노인, 자살예방, 신체활동 프로그램, elderly males, preventing suicide, physical leisure activity program
Badminton Shuttlecock Card Loses its Meaning: The Problems of Badminton Shuttlecock Card of Busan Metropolitan City Badminton Union 갈길 잃은 배드민턴 셔틀콕 카드: 부산광역시 배드민턴연합회의 배드민턴 셔틀콕 카드의 문제
박세훈ParkSe-hun , 이근모LeeKeun-mo , 장승현JangSeung-hyun
56(5) 91-104, 2017
Badminton Shuttlecock Card Loses its Meaning: The Problems of Badminton Shuttlecock Card of Busan Metropolitan City Badminton Union 갈길 잃은 배드민턴 셔틀콕 카드: 부산광역시 배드민턴연합회의 배드민턴 셔틀콕 카드의 문제
박세훈ParkSe-hun , 이근모LeeKeun-mo , 장승현JangSeung-hyun
The purpose of this study is to examine the problems of the shuttlecock card introduced by the Busan Metropolitan City Badminton Union to members. To this end, surveys and in-depth interviews were conducted together as mixed research methods. As a result, it was found that the shuttlecock card was obligatory as an identification card, was providing some inconvenience to the members, and was not satisfactory as a payment means. In addition, it was revealed that it was not registering the existence or use of the fund under the agreement between members. It revealed that the use of the fund of the shuttlecock card has been unclear. The cause of the shuttlecock card project was basically a communication problem due to the characteristics of the vertical structure of the union, a product of failed governance.
Key Words
배드민턴, 배드민턴 셔틀콕 카드, 배드민턴 셔틀콕 카드의 문제, Badminton, Badminton shuttlecock card, problems of badminton shuttlecock card
Participation and Personalities Relationship of Junior High School Student Sports Club Using Multi-level Model 다층 모형을 활용한 중학생 학교스포츠클럽 참여와 인성관계 분석
The purpose of this study was, using multi-level model, to analyze the association factor between participation in school sports club and personality in middle school students. The analysis were, considering the hierarchical characteristic of school, divided into Level-1, a student level, and Level-2, a school level. The questionnaires were sent to middle school students and their club teachers of 19 schools selected from each 19 district using convenient sampling method. The 1201 and 64 questionnaires were collected from Level-1 and Level-2 were collected and used in analysis by using HLM 7.01 for multi-level model analysis. The results derived from this study based on above method and analysis were as follows: First, the most significant factor explaining the effects of participation in school club on personality in student level were teacher's attitude perceived by student and followed by subjective degree of involvement and degree of participation in school sports club. Second, the only significant factor explaining the effects of participation in school club on personality in school level were method of determining sports type and insignificant factors were number of participants, number of administered sports type, actual state of activity organization, planning for running club, participation in inside and outside school competition. It is suggested, therefore, for fostering personality of middle school students through participation in sports club, to operate program by considering character of school rather than just individuals. This study is expected to contribute to determine factors for more effective operation of school sports club.
Key Words
학교스포츠클럽, 다층모형, 인성, 위계선형모형, School Sports Club, Multi-level Model, Personality, Hierarchical Linear Model
A Study on Activation Plan of Social Advancement for Women Sports Athletes 여성스포츠인의 사회진출 활성화방안 연구
맹이섭MaengLeeseob , 이완영LeeWanyoung
56(5) 119-129, 2017
A Study on Activation Plan of Social Advancement for Women Sports Athletes 여성스포츠인의 사회진출 활성화방안 연구
맹이섭MaengLeeseob , 이완영LeeWanyoung
The purpose of this study was to propose a method to facilitate woman sports persons' advancement to society by investigating the problems in social usage of them and barriers in their advancement to society. For the purpose, two times of expert delphi research were performed on 20 persons including professors majoring in sports industry or sports sociology, researchers for sports industry and policy, leader of sports organizations, woman coach of professional sports team, female sports players. The results showed that they noted male-dominant organizational culture and insufficient social connections of female as barriers for women's advancement to sports area, lack of their participation in decision making as a barrier for maintaining social activities after advancement to sports area, and male-centered bureaucratic organizational culture as a barrier for their status rising in sports area. The awareness of barriers for advancement to general society the experts indicated lack of education necessary to normal social activities and the barriers for maintaining activities and status rising in general area that they noted were adaptation to non-specialized area, lack of confidence and leadership, suggesting need of education for advancement so society. The needed institutional improvements proposed by experts for advancement to sports area were woman quota in sports organization and a system to compete with talents as leader, and for the advancement to general society, providing opportunity to experience social situations, providing adult educational program, and practice-centered education program applicable to field work were proposed.
Key Words
여성스포츠인, 사회진출, 활성화 방안, Woman sports athletes, Advancement to society, Activation method
The Reasons behind Selecting Illegal Sports-ToTo, and Exploring the Empirical Meanings 불법 스포츠토토를 선택하는 이유와 경험적 의미 탐색
이정래LeeJung-lae , 홍지영HongJi-young
56(5) 131-145, 2017
The Reasons behind Selecting Illegal Sports-ToTo, and Exploring the Empirical Meanings 불법 스포츠토토를 선택하는 이유와 경험적 의미 탐색
이정래LeeJung-lae , 홍지영HongJi-young
The purpose of this study is to explore why illegal Sports-ToTo is chosen by participants who have experienced legitimate Sports-ToTo and illegal Sports-ToTo, and what the illegal Sports-ToTo experience means to them. Case studies were conducted to achieve these research objectives. Six participants were selected through the snowball sampling method, who were using legitimate Sports-ToTo and Illegal Sports-ToTo at the same time. The data were collected through in-depth interviews and related data, and the collected data were analyzed by text. The results of this study are as follows. The reasons for choosing Illegal Sports-ToTo were three simple things: simple joyfulness, no constraints, and advantages of overseas internet sites. For those using Illegal Sports-ToTo, the empirical meaning of Illegal Sports-ToTo was first discovered as a concept of play rather than game, second, the only things to do, and third, an easy means of earning money.
The Subcultural Characteristics of Extreme Sports Participants 익스트림 스포츠 참여자의 하위 문화적 특성
56(5) 147-156, 2017
The Subcultural Characteristics of Extreme Sports Participants 익스트림 스포츠 참여자의 하위 문화적 특성
This study aims to understand the subcultural characteristics of the participants of extreme sports. Ethnography, one of the qualitative research methods, was applied to understand their culture. Eight participants who have participated in extreme sports and willingness to join this study were purposively selected. In-depth interview, non-participatory observation, and participant’s description were collected to get triangulated data. Collected data were analysed on the basis of thematic analysis. Result of the study shows firstly that they stand against the mainstream culture, secondly that they admit commercialism and technology in extreme sports. Therefore, ”counter-mainstream culture,” and “compromise,” were screened out as major key words for their culture. Their counter-mainstream culture has two dimensions: resistance to mainstream sports culture and resistance to general mainstream culture. Compromise indicates recognition and acceptance of commercialism and technology. In sum, the participants in this study have two contradictory stands: they stand against the mainstream culture while, at the same time, they are willing to accept mainstream culture to some extent to get into the mainstream culture.
Key Words
익스트림 스포츠, 스포츠 하위문화, 주류문화, 반 주류문화, 타협, extreme sports, sport subculture, mainstream culture, counter-mainstream culture, compromise
The Effects of Participating Hatha Yoga on the Physical-Psychological Functional Recovery of Female University Students 하타요가 참여가 여대생의 신체 - 심리기능 회복에 미치는 영향 - 체지방량, 복부지방량, BMI, 유연성, 평형성, 척추기능, 비만스트레스, 생활만족감 중심으로
56(5) 157-171, 2017
The Effects of Participating Hatha Yoga on the Physical-Psychological Functional Recovery of Female University Students 하타요가 참여가 여대생의 신체 - 심리기능 회복에 미치는 영향 - 체지방량, 복부지방량, BMI, 유연성, 평형성, 척추기능, 비만스트레스, 생활만족감 중심으로
This study was designed to examine the effects of physical-psychological functional recovery among female university students. The participants (N=44) were recruited at a liberal PE class of S University in Seoul for the experimental purpose. Hatha yoga participants’ body fat, abdominal fatness, BMI, flexibility, balance and vertebral function were measured. Additionally, obesity stress and life satisfaction were measured both for the comparing group participating in fitness and the experimental group. To compare and analyze the pre and post effects of the yoga program, t-test and ANCOVA were conducted. The results indicated that decreased body fat and abdominal fatness and increased flexibility and balance(left) were found after the participation of the Hatha yoga. Moreover, the physical discomfort factor of obesity stress was decreased in both groups while the mental stress factor was decreased only in the Hatha yoga participants. All four factors of life satisfaction were increased among the experimental group. Therefore, the study concluded that physical activities including Hatha yoga of university students seem to play an important role for the next stages of life, to which the participation of physical activities can be retained and transferred. The directions of future research are discussed such as an interdisciplinary approach to examine posture control, biomechanical evaluation of yoga movements and participation.
Moderating Effects of Sport-event Participation Experience through the Relationships among Exercise Motivation, Physical Self-efficacy, and Sociality Improvement in Youth Sports Club Members 유소년스포츠클럽 참여자의 운동동기와 신체적 자기효능감이 사회성 변화에 미치는 영향과 대회참여의 조절효과
하숙례HaSook-rye , 조재혁ChoJae-hyuck , 윤영구YoonYoung-ku
56(5) 173-183, 2017
Moderating Effects of Sport-event Participation Experience through the Relationships among Exercise Motivation, Physical Self-efficacy, and Sociality Improvement in Youth Sports Club Members 유소년스포츠클럽 참여자의 운동동기와 신체적 자기효능감이 사회성 변화에 미치는 영향과 대회참여의 조절효과
하숙례HaSook-rye , 조재혁ChoJae-hyuck , 윤영구YoonYoung-ku
The Purpose of the study was to identify moderating effects of sport-event participation experience through the relationships among exercise motivation, physical self-efficacy, and sociality improvement in youth sports club members. Youth members(N=260) enrolled in Soccer classes completed a battery of questionnaires assessing exercise motivation, physical self-efficacy, and sociality improvement. The data collected were processed by means of descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, internal consistency analysis, EFA/CFA, and SEM using SPSS 21.0 and Amos 21.0 program. The results of SEM and moderation effects are as follows. First, exercise motivation had a significant influence on its physical self-efficacy. Second, the physical self-efficacy had a significant influence on sociality improvement. Lastly, there were a significant moderation effect of sport-event participation experience in the relationship between the physical self-efficacy and sociality improvement. That is, the participation experience of sport-event showed more effect of physical self-efficacy on the sociality development than participants with no sport-event experience, who showed no significant effect of physical self-efficacy on the sociality development.
Effect of Coach Autonomy Supportive Intervention Program on Coaches’ and Athletes’ Motivation and Personal Growth in Disabled Table Tennis Team 장애인 탁구팀 내 코치와 선수의 동기향상과 개인성장을 위한 코치 중심의 자율성지지 중재프로그램의 효과
유경은YooKyoungEun , 천승현CheonSungHyeon
56(5) 185-203, 2017
Effect of Coach Autonomy Supportive Intervention Program on Coaches’ and Athletes’ Motivation and Personal Growth in Disabled Table Tennis Team 장애인 탁구팀 내 코치와 선수의 동기향상과 개인성장을 위한 코치 중심의 자율성지지 중재프로그램의 효과
유경은YooKyoungEun , 천승현CheonSungHyeon
The purpose of this study was experimentally to test the longitudinal effect of the intervention to design to help table tennis coaches be more autonomy-supportive toward their athletes with disabilities in the disabled sport context. Six coaches and their twenty three athletes in Icheon Sport Complex for Disabiled Athletes participated in this study. Repeated-Measures ANOVA(RM-ANOVA) revealed the intervention improved coaches’ coaching styles as being more autonomy-supportive and less controlling toward their disabled athletes. Further, table tennis athletes with disabilities of autonomy-supportive coaches benefited from received autonomy support, and those athletes highly engaged in their training session and practices. In addition, coaches whose coaching styles was more autonomy-supportive and less-controlling in their coaching practices benefited from giving autonomy support-that’s greater coaching efficacy, greater job satisfaction, higher subjective vitality, less physical-and-emotional exhaustion, and more self-determined motivation to coach in the disabled sport context. In conclusion, coach intervention program to assist coaches be more autonomy supportive toward their athletes in the disabled sport context improved coaches’ motivation and positive functioning, and enhanced the quality of disabled athletes’ concentration and engagement in their sport.
Key Words
자율성지지, 코치중재, 운동참여, 장애인 스포츠, autonomy support, coach intervention, athlete engagement, disabled sport
Exploring of the ‘Tao of the Archery’ Based on Lao-tzu’s 『Tao Te Ching』 and Physical Educational Meanings 노자의『도덕경(道德經)』에 근거한 ‘궁도(弓道)의 도(道)’에 대한 이해와 체육 교육적 의의 탐색
이민규LeeMingyu , 김원정KimWonjung
56(5) 205-220, 2017
Exploring of the ‘Tao of the Archery’ Based on Lao-tzu’s 『Tao Te Ching』 and Physical Educational Meanings 노자의『도덕경(道德經)』에 근거한 ‘궁도(弓道)의 도(道)’에 대한 이해와 체육 교육적 의의 탐색
이민규LeeMingyu , 김원정KimWonjung
This paper has clarified that ‘Tao of Lao-Tzu’ and ‘Tao of the archery’ are intimately linked each other, and then discussed the meaning of ‘Tao of the archery’ from ‘Lao-Tzu’s point of view and the pedagogical importance in physical education. For this purpose, this study has explored four core connecting concepts between Taoism and archery, that is to say, simplicity(儉), humility(謙), moderation(中) and flexibility/weakness(柔/弱). The method of the study was conducted through the analysis and interpreted by reviewing many literatures including Tao te ching. In the Lao-Tzu’s educational view, the creative whole person through simplicity(儉), educator possessing the quality of humility(謙), moderation(中) and nonpossession of the knowledge and flexible(柔) thinking had been researched. In addition, the ‘Tao of the archery’ has been explored on the characteristics of ‘simplicity(儉) in mind’, ‘humility(謙) toward the nature’, ‘holding moderation(中)’ and ‘truthfully being weakness(弱)’. Ultimately, ideology of Taoism can overcome limitations of Confucian ideology in the latest world historical paradigm conversion. Besides, ‘Tao of Lao-Tzu’ would suggest direction of advanced improvement of the educational philosophical meanings and sport pedagogical implications in the various physical activities as well as an archery.
Comparative Study of Physical Education Curriculum between South Korea and Germany 한국과 독일의 체육교육과정 비교 연구
56(5) 221-233, 2017
Comparative Study of Physical Education Curriculum between South Korea and Germany 한국과 독일의 체육교육과정 비교 연구
The purpose of this study was to compare and analyze the physical education curriculum of Korea and Germany and to find some implications for future revision of physical education(PE) curriculum in Korea. In doing so, Therefore, it focused on 'time management system and document system, roles and objectives, contents, and evaluation of PE curriculum in Korea and Germany'. The conclusions of the analysis are as follows. First, it is necessary to enhance PE curriculum at the local level and implement separate physical education curriculum from the first grade. Second, it is necessary to review roles and detailed objectives included in capacity-oriented curriculum. Third, it is required that physical education curriculum is categorized by physical activity and daily life-related safety education in Sports Department should be moved out to different curriculum. Fourth, it is necessary to have more active discussions of Sports Pedagogy regarding achievement motivation and evaluation of achievement. Lastly, the study suggests that physical education curriculum should conduct a connected PE class as a compulsory subject from 1st grade of elementary to 3rd grade of high school and the contents of physical education classes should be categorized based on basic human physical activity standards.
Key Words
한국과 독일의 체육교육과정 비교 연구, Korean Physical Education Curriculum, German Physical Education Curriculum, Comparative Study, Contents of Physical Education
The Significance of the Athletic Life as Seen through the Life History of a Mountaineer 한 산악인의 생애를 통해 본 체육적 삶의 의의 - 김영도 원로의 삶을 중심으로
최정규ChoiJung-kyu , 박정준ParkJeong-jun
56(5) 235-251, 2017
The Significance of the Athletic Life as Seen through the Life History of a Mountaineer 한 산악인의 생애를 통해 본 체육적 삶의 의의 - 김영도 원로의 삶을 중심으로
최정규ChoiJung-kyu , 박정준ParkJeong-jun
The purpose of this study is to find out what athletic life is and how to live athletic life through the life history of a mountaineer. The data were collected through documents (books, contributions) and in-depth interviews. The data analysis utilized the domain analysis and taxonomic analysis proposed by Spradley (1980), and the truth of the data is secured. As a result of taking a look at the life of Kim Young-do in the sequence of time, it would be ‘Gak-geun-myeon-rye’, namely, developing the attitude of ‘sincerity’ at the starting point of the athletic life. In the journey, it has to improve ‘Ma-bu-jak-chim’, namely, the attitude of ‘challenge’ and the last, athletics life is completed with ‘Myeol-sa-bong-gong’, namely, the spirit of ‘sharing’. And, they enhanced ‘Gae-gwon-yu-ik’, namely, the ‘human literacy’ through their lives. The athletic life for the athletes to live on would be advancing the sincerity and attitude of human literacy as well as living the expanding life (place to go up) and convergent life to practice sharing (place to go down) through enhancement of challenging mind.
Key Words
생애사, 산악인, 인문적 소양, 체육적 삶, Life history, mountaineer, human literacy, athletic life
A Job Analysis for Elderly Sport-for-all Instructors Using DACUM Method DACUM 기법의 직무분석을 이용한 노인스포츠지도자의 직무규명 분석
56(5) 253-266, 2017
A Job Analysis for Elderly Sport-for-all Instructors Using DACUM Method DACUM 기법의 직무분석을 이용한 노인스포츠지도자의 직무규명 분석
Elderly Sport-for-all Instructors(former second and third level living sport leaders for elderly sport instruction) are specialists on instructing elderly living sports in community relief centers or public sports facilities. The research applies the DACUM method in the purpose to study the value of profession and the level of profession needed for elderly sports-for-all instructors and verify the obligations and tasks that elderly sports-for-all instructors need to perform in their field. In the pursuit of this purpose, we researched the core obligations and tasks needed for elderly sport-for-all instructors by having two times of experts’ conference and made questionnaires based on the preexisting data and details of conference. The following conclusions were drawn from the questionnaires answered by elderly sport-for-all instructors working in the field. First, eight obligations and nine tasks were found for elderly sport-for-all instructors. Each obligations and tasks include general knowledge and techniques to perform as an elderly sport-for-all instructor. Secondly, we have concluded that prioritizing tasks by investigating the perception of task level, perception of significance and frequency of duties should be done in the educational process of elderly sports-for-all instructors. The ideal outcome of this analysis is to be used as a basis for consolidating and promoting the vocational status of elderly sports-for-all instructors and expected to contribute in the quality of educational environment for future elderly sports-for-all instructors.
Exploring the Difficulties and Tasks for Subject Competencies Oriented Physical Education Lessons 교과 역량 반영 체육수업 실천의 난점과 과제 탐색
유창완YuChang-wan , 윤기준YoonKeejoon , 전세명JeonSe-myung
56(5) 267-282, 2017
Exploring the Difficulties and Tasks for Subject Competencies Oriented Physical Education Lessons 교과 역량 반영 체육수업 실천의 난점과 과제 탐색
유창완YuChang-wan , 윤기준YoonKeejoon , 전세명JeonSe-myung
The purpose of this study was to explore physical education (PE) lessons based on PE subject competencies which are indicated in the 2015 PE national curriculum and to suggest explore future directions. A total of four teachers participated in this project. In order to collect data, document analysis, PE lesson observation and semi-structured interview were undertaken. Data collected were analyzed inductively. Three themes including unfamiliar subject competencies, using previous ones and difficulties to evaluate subject competencies were constructed. The themes are categorized into: i) understanding PE subject competencies, ii) reconstruction of the national curriculum, iii) evaluation of PE subject competencies, and iv) supporting teachers. Firstly, PE subject competencies should be understood as a multi-dimensional concept and as outcomes achieved through engaging in PE lessons. Secondly, the necessity of using PE instructional models in the process of making a reconstruction of national PE curriculum is discussed. Thirdly, a range of evaluation criteria and methods to evaluate PE subject competencies should be developed. Lastly, in order to enhance teachers’ capacity to practice lessons based on PE subject competencies formal types of support should be offered. Drawing on the findings and discussion, implications for undertaking future research are suggested.
Key Words
체육수업, 교과 역량, 핵심역량, 2015 개정 체육과 교육과정, physical education (PE), subject competencies, core competency, 2015 PE national curriculum
The Relationship among Physical Education Instructor‘s Leadership, Group Cohesiveness and Organizational Commitment Perceived in Naval Cadet 해군사관생도가 지각한 체육 교수자의 리더십과 집단응집력 및 조직몰입의 관계
남광우NamKwang-woo , 이호LeeHo , 김종식KimJong-shik
56(5) 283-296, 2017
The Relationship among Physical Education Instructor‘s Leadership, Group Cohesiveness and Organizational Commitment Perceived in Naval Cadet 해군사관생도가 지각한 체육 교수자의 리더십과 집단응집력 및 조직몰입의 관계
남광우NamKwang-woo , 이호LeeHo , 김종식KimJong-shik
The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the relationship among physical education instructor's leadership, group cohesiveness and organizational commitment perceived in naval cadet. For this purpose, the study represents a population of Naval cadets studying at Republic of Korea Naval Academy in 2017 and 401 cadets were chosen by the conveniecne sampling method. The 389 collected data were used by IBM SPSS Statistics 22 and SPSS Amos 22 programs. The study was conducted by frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlations analysis and structural equation model analysis. On the basis of the results, we drew the following conclusions. First, it was shown that training and instruction behavior and positive feedback behavior of physical education instructor's leadership perceived in naval cadet had a meaningful influence on group cohesiveness. Second, it was discovered that democratic behavior and positive feedback behavior of physical education instructor's leadership perceived in naval cadet affected the organizational commitment. Third, it turned out that group cohesiveness of naval cadets influenced the organizational commitment.
Key Words
해군사관생도, 리더십, 집단응집력, 조직몰입, naval cadet, leadership, group cohesiveness and organizational commitment
A Study on the Effect of Middle School Sports Club’s Teacher Type of Basketball Teaching on Satisfaction and Sports Adherence Behavior 중학교 스포츠클럽 농구수업지도자의 지도유형과 만족도 및 스포츠지속행동과의 관계 연구
A Study on the Effect of Middle School Sports Club’s Teacher Type of Basketball Teaching on Satisfaction and Sports Adherence Behavior 중학교 스포츠클럽 농구수업지도자의 지도유형과 만족도 및 스포츠지속행동과의 관계 연구
The purpose of this study was to find out the impact among middle school sports club’s teacher type of basketball teaching, satisfaction and sport adherence behavior. For this paper, the subjects were 307 students in 5 middle school. Survey data was processed by using descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, internal consistency reliability, correlation analysis and path analysis by structural equation model. The result states, frist, democratic behavior, positive reward, teacher directions and social support behavior factors of middle school sports club’s teacher type of basketball teaching were found to have an impact on satisfaction. Second, democratic behavior, positive reward and social support behavior factors were found to have an impact on sports adherence behavior. But, teacher directions was not impact on sports adherence behavior. Third, satisfaction was found have an impact on sports adherence behavior.
Developing a Method to Manage the Negative Experiences of Students that Occur in P.E. Class 체육수업에서 발생하는 학생들의 부정적 경험의 관리를 위한 수업방법 개발
56(5) 309-324, 2017
Developing a Method to Manage the Negative Experiences of Students that Occur in P.E. Class 체육수업에서 발생하는 학생들의 부정적 경험의 관리를 위한 수업방법 개발
This research is projected to examine the negative experiences of students who were unexpectedly encountered in the sport education and to find ways to resolve the negative experiences with the validity of the method. It's confirmed that the negative experiences occurred because of the structure of the tasks presented in the class and also it's unrelated to educator's intention. Through examining the related research, researcher found that the writing is useful in approaching students' negative experiences. The first writing class was going along with the ‘self-reflection log’ which was used steadily in PE class, but in the process of applying this, inappropriate problem has been occurred unexpectedly. To solve the problem which occurred in the ‘self-reflection log’ writing, the researcher found out that the negative experience occurs in a kind a conflict situation while the process of re-examining negative experiences. Then, the researcher applied the 'class dialogue' as a way of training conversation through writing. Compared with the previous 'self-reflection log', the 'class dialogue' was easily accessed by students, and also solving the problem that occurred in the 'self-reflection log'. Finally, the researcher found out that the 'class dialogue' is relieving the students' negative experiences. Through this, I was able to find that the 'class dialogue' has a great effect to solve student's negative experiences.
Key Words
부정적 경험, 글쓰기, 수업회상일지, 수업대화록, 실행연구, negative experience, writing, self-reflection log, class dialogue, action research
A Narrative Inquiry on Successful Physical Activity Experience of Middle School Male Student who Being Repetitively Skipping Physical Education Class 반복적 체육수업 이탈 남중생이 겪은 긍정적 신체활동 경험에 관한 내러티브 탐구
장유진JangYu-jin , 전해리JeonHaeri , 윤현수YounHyun-su
56(5) 325-338, 2017
A Narrative Inquiry on Successful Physical Activity Experience of Middle School Male Student who Being Repetitively Skipping Physical Education Class 반복적 체육수업 이탈 남중생이 겪은 긍정적 신체활동 경험에 관한 내러티브 탐구
장유진JangYu-jin , 전해리JeonHaeri , 윤현수YounHyun-su
Purpose of this narrative study is exploring the educational meaning of successful physical activity experience of middle school male student who was repetitively skipping physical education classes by keeping talking together. This study used the method of narrative study and study participant was selected by the critical case sampling method which is a method of purposeful sampling. This study case is the story that second year middle school male student, who was repetitively skipping a P.E. class, grows up to one man by experiencing successful physical activity in T-ball class. The interview materials are main source and participant observation and field notes are collected as additional materials. Collected materials are analyzed inductively by talking about study participant’s school life and T-ball class throughout space, time and relationship and re-talking about interpreting the educational meaning of it. The study participant had been laughed at in the class due to pimples on face and then he skipped P.E. class repetitively. After passing second year of middle school, the changes were coming in his school life by new P.E. teacher helping him to participate actively in T-ball class. The first educational meaning explored in this study is that physical image was changed by the study participant experiencing a successful physical activity. Secondly, interpersonal relations were changed by the study participant experiencing a successful physical activity. Lastly, the changed meaning of playground by the study participant experiencing a successful physical activity is meaningful.
Key Words
반복적 수업이탈, 긍정적인 신체활동 경험, 내러티브, 체육 소외, repetitive skipping a class, successful physical activity experience, narrative, isolation
Factors Influencing the Intention to Use of Sports-ICT Convergence Technology Service in Professional Sport Team: Focused on K LEAGUE Fans 프로스포츠 구단의 스포츠-ICT 융합 기술 서비스 이용의도에 미치는 영향 요인 분석: K리그 팬을 중심으로
Factors Influencing the Intention to Use of Sports-ICT Convergence Technology Service in Professional Sport Team: Focused on K LEAGUE Fans 프로스포츠 구단의 스포츠-ICT 융합 기술 서비스 이용의도에 미치는 영향 요인 분석: K리그 팬을 중심으로
The purpose of this study was to investigate spectators' intention to use Sports-ICT convergence technology service provided by professional sports club. Specifically, this study examined the relationships among ubiquitous availability, context awareness, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and intention to use using the Extended Technology Acceptance Model. A questionnaire was distributed to 300 professional football fans. The data were analyzed by frequency analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling. The empirical results were as follows. First, ubiquitous availability had a positive effect on Usage characteristics. Second, situational awareness had a positive effect on perceived ease of use. Third, perceived ease of use had a positive effect on perceived usefulness and intention to use respectively. Fourth, perceived usefulness had a positive influence on intention to use.
Key Words
스포츠-ICT 융합 기술 서비스, 확장된 기술수용모델, 시스템 특성, 활용 특성, Sports-ICT Convergence Technology Service, Extended Technology Acceptance Model(ETAM), System Characteristics, Usage Characteristics
The Relationship among Perception of Convergence in Sports Industry, Service Differentiation Strategies using Augmented Reality and Viewing Intention: Focused on Professional Baseball 스포츠융합산업 인식과 증강현실 기술을 접목한 서비스 특화전략 인식 및 관람의도 간의 구조 분석: 프로야구 중심으로
오정희OhJung-heui , 조광민ChoKwang-min
56(5) 355-370, 2017
The Relationship among Perception of Convergence in Sports Industry, Service Differentiation Strategies using Augmented Reality and Viewing Intention: Focused on Professional Baseball 스포츠융합산업 인식과 증강현실 기술을 접목한 서비스 특화전략 인식 및 관람의도 간의 구조 분석: 프로야구 중심으로
오정희OhJung-heui , 조광민ChoKwang-min
The purpose of this study is to investigate the possibility of expanding the sports market through the sports convergence industry at present, as convergence between industries is attracting attention as a new growth engine. For the purpose of research, we confirmed the structure of consumers' Perception of Convergence in Sports Industry, Service Differentiation Strategies, and Viewing Intention. In August, 2016, a survey was conducted for 20 - year - old men and women who visited J and G Stadium for about a month. All the data were analyzed using SPSS and AMOS statistics program. The results are as follows. First, perception of convergence in sports industry has a positive effect on the service differentiation strategy with augmented reality. Second, the service differentiation strategy with augmented reality has a positive effect on the viewing intention. Third, perception of convergence in sports industry showed positive influence on viewing intention. Fourth, service differentiation strategy with augmented reality was found to be a mediating factor between perception of convergence in sports industry and the viewing intention.
Key Words
스포츠융합산업 인식, 서비스 특화전략, 증강현실, 관람의도, Perception of Convergence in Sports Industry, Service Differentiation Strategies, Augmented Reality(AR), Viewing Intention
The Impact of Youth Sports Club Manager’s Entrepreneurship on Employee’s Innovative Behaviors: A Mediating Effect of Organizational Commitment and Moderating Effect of Organizational Justice 유소년 스포츠클럽 경영자의 기업가정신이 종사자의 혁신행동에 미치는 영향: 조직몰입의 매개효과 및 조직공정성의 조절효과
백성욱BackSung-wook , 한진욱HanJin-wook
56(5) 371-385, 2017
The Impact of Youth Sports Club Manager’s Entrepreneurship on Employee’s Innovative Behaviors: A Mediating Effect of Organizational Commitment and Moderating Effect of Organizational Justice 유소년 스포츠클럽 경영자의 기업가정신이 종사자의 혁신행동에 미치는 영향: 조직몰입의 매개효과 및 조직공정성의 조절효과
백성욱BackSung-wook , 한진욱HanJin-wook
The purpose of this study was to examine a mediating role of organizational commitment and a moderating effect of organizational justice in the relation between youth sports club manager's entrepreneurship and employee's innovative behaviors. Toward this end, a total of 350 respondents was selected using a convenient sampling method and responded to the survey questionnaire. 284 usable data were utilized in the data analyses procedure. Data were analyzed using frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and moderating regression analysis. The results of this study were as follows. Firstly, there was a mediating role of organizational commitment in the relation between youth sports club manager's entrepreneurship and employee's innovative behaviors. Secondly, there was a moderating effect of organizational justice in the relation between manager's entrepreneurship and employee's innovative behaviors. Discussions and additional implications were also suggested.
Key Words
기업가정신, 혁신행동, 조직몰입, 조직공정성, 유소년 스포츠클럽, entrepreneurship, innovative behavior, organizational commitment, organizational justice, youth sports club
The Impact of Privacy Concern about Professional Sports Team's Mobile Application on Continuance Intention to Use: Moderating Effects of Monetary Incentive and Service Benefits 프로스포츠 구단의 모바일 앱 사용에 대한 프라이버시 염려가 지속사용의도에 미치는 영향: 금전적 보상 및 서비스 혜택의 조절효과
안찬호AnChan-ho , 한진욱HanJin-wook
56(5) 387-402, 2017
The Impact of Privacy Concern about Professional Sports Team's Mobile Application on Continuance Intention to Use: Moderating Effects of Monetary Incentive and Service Benefits 프로스포츠 구단의 모바일 앱 사용에 대한 프라이버시 염려가 지속사용의도에 미치는 영향: 금전적 보상 및 서비스 혜택의 조절효과
안찬호AnChan-ho , 한진욱HanJin-wook
The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of privacy concern about using professional sports team's mobile application on continuance intention to use and moderating effects of monetary incentive and service benefits in the relation between privacy concern and continuance intention to use. In order to accomplish the purpose of this study, the visitors at the a baseball field in Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do on Feb, 2017 and user of Professional Sports Team's Internet fan community(Doosan bears, Lotte giants, Samsung lions, KT wiz, LG twins, SK wyverns) were selected as the population. The questionnaire survey was conducted on 268 persons by using a convenient sampling method. A total of 253 usable data were utilized in data analysis including frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, simple regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis. The results of the study were as follow. Firstly, privacy concern about using professional sports team’s mobile application had a negative effect on continuance intention to use. Secondly, there was a moderating effect of monetary incentive in the relation between privacy concern and continuance intention to use. Thirdly, the result did not suggest any moderating effect of service benefits in the relation between privacy concern and continuance intention to use. Discussions and additional implications were also suggested.
Key Words
CRM, 고객관계관리, 프로스포츠, 모바일 어플리케이션, 프라이버시 염려, 금전적 보상, 서비스 혜택, 지속사용의도, professional sports, mobile application, privacy concern, monetary incentive, service benefits, continuance intention to use
The Effect of Traditional Marketing and Experiential Marketing on Stadium Revisit Intention and Brand Equity of Professional Sport Teams: A Study of Professional Baseball Game Spectators 전통마케팅과 체험마케팅이 경기장 재방문 의도 및 프로팀 브랜드 자산에 미치는 영향: 프로 야구 관람객을 중심으로
오인애OhInae , 정명수JungMyengsoo , 임충훈LimChoongHoon
56(5) 403-417, 2017
The Effect of Traditional Marketing and Experiential Marketing on Stadium Revisit Intention and Brand Equity of Professional Sport Teams: A Study of Professional Baseball Game Spectators 전통마케팅과 체험마케팅이 경기장 재방문 의도 및 프로팀 브랜드 자산에 미치는 영향: 프로 야구 관람객을 중심으로
오인애OhInae , 정명수JungMyengsoo , 임충훈LimChoongHoon
The purpose of this study was to examine the structural relationship among traditional and experiential marketing, brand equity and revisit intention. To accomplish the goal of the study, 277 questionnaires were handed out to spectators of professional baseball games and 266 of them were utilized for data analysis. For the data processing, this study conducted Descriptive Analysis, Reliability Test, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, and Structural Equation Modeling techniques by using IBM Statistic SPSS 21.0 and IBM SPSS AMOS 21.0. The results are as follow. First, traditional marketing positively influenced experiential marketing. Second, experiential marketing positively influenced both brand equity and revisit intention. Third, experiential marketing was a significant mediating factor among traditional marketing, revisit intention and brand equity.
Key Words
전통마케팅, 체험마케팅, 브랜드 자산, 재방문 의도, Traditional Marketing, Experiential Marketing, Brand Equity, Revisit Intention
Development of a Team Building Program to Improve the Cohesion of the Youth Soccer Team 프로축구 유스팀의 응집력 향상을 위한 팀빌딩프로그램 개발
56(5) 419-433, 2017
Development of a Team Building Program to Improve the Cohesion of the Youth Soccer Team 프로축구 유스팀의 응집력 향상을 위한 팀빌딩프로그램 개발
The purpose of this study is to develop a team building program to improve the cohesion of the youth soccer team. In order to accomplish this purpose of study, we conducted three stages of program development, including 'goal setting', 'program composition', and 'preliminary research'. In the first stage, five goals were established for the team building program. The five goals are 'interpersonal relationship', 'positive interaction', 'sense of accomplishment', 'social responsibility' and 'external support'. In the second phase, the activities of the team building program were constructed based on the criteria of acceptability, accessibility, and contribution to achievement of goals. Activities that can achieve the goals of this program included 'interpersonal relationship', 'positive interaction', 'sense of accomplishment', 'social responsibility', and 'external support'. In the third stage, 'preliminary research' was conducted to verify the effectiveness and applicability of the primary team building program, and the contents of the fifteen activity periods were finalized based on the results of the preliminary research.
Key Words
프로축구 유스팀, 응집력, 팀빌딩프로그램, youth soccer team, cohesion, team building program
The Influence of Communication Activities on Moral Value Judgment and Acceptance Attitude of Sports Fans 스포츠팬들의 커뮤니케이션 활동이 도덕적 가치판단과 수용태도에 미치는 영향
56(5) 435-446, 2017
The Influence of Communication Activities on Moral Value Judgment and Acceptance Attitude of Sports Fans 스포츠팬들의 커뮤니케이션 활동이 도덕적 가치판단과 수용태도에 미치는 영향
In this study, it is important to point out that the communication activities of sports fans' communication activities and their willingness to influence the moral value of the sports fans are indicative of the right direction for the moral value of the sport's moral values and reasoning. The conclusions gained to achieve these objectives are as follows. First, the formal and informal factors of communication activities influence the social and moral factors of moral values. Second, the official and informal factors of communication activity affect the personal, cognitive and psychological factors of the receptor. Third, social and moral factors of moral values affect the personal, cognitive, and psychological factors of accepting attitudes. Based on these results, the communication activities of sports fans should always be based on the scope of the information and the scope of the sharing of information. Sports players should also reflect on their fans' criticism of the fans' criticism and intellectual situations in the communication activities of these sports fans and serve as a space for public interest and use as a venue for public interest.
Key Words
커뮤니케이션 활동, 도덕적 가치판단, 수용태도, Communication Activity, Moral Value Judgment, Acceptance Attitude
The Relationship Among Interpersonal Relationship of Elderly People's Sports Participations, Loneliness, and Psychological Well-being 스포츠참여 노인의 대인관계와 고독감 및 심리적 행복감의 관계
56(5) 447-460, 2017
The Relationship Among Interpersonal Relationship of Elderly People's Sports Participations, Loneliness, and Psychological Well-being 스포츠참여 노인의 대인관계와 고독감 및 심리적 행복감의 관계
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among interpersonal relationship of elderly people' s sports participations, loneliness and psychological well-being The questionnaire survey was conducted on 191 elderly people aged 65 and over participating in the sports program at the elderly general welfare center in Seoul. The questionnaire used in the previous research was modified and supplemented for this study. Data processing method was descriptive statistical analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis using statistical package program SPSS 18.0. The following conclusions were drawn based on the above research method and procedure. First, the interpersonal relationship of elderly sports participants partially affects loneliness. In other words, communication and interpersonal relationships within the group are negatively related to alienation, and positive affects affinity. Second, the interpersonal relationship of elderly sports participants partially affects psychological well-being. In other words, communication, interpersonal relationship within the group, general interpersonal relationship has a positive effect on happiness, communication and interpersonal relationship within the group has a positive effect on satisfaction. Third, the loneliness of the elderly sports participants partially affects the psychological well-being. In other words, affinity positive effect happiness and satisfaction.
Relationship among Social Support, Social Exclusion and Depression of Elderly People Participating in Physical Activity 신체활동 참여 노인들의 사회적 지원과 사회적 배제 및 우울의 관계
56(5) 461-472, 2017
Relationship among Social Support, Social Exclusion and Depression of Elderly People Participating in Physical Activity 신체활동 참여 노인들의 사회적 지원과 사회적 배제 및 우울의 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among social support, social exclusion and depression focused on elderly people participating in physical activity. For the purpose of this study, Participants aged over sixty five completed the questionnaires including measuring degrees in receiving and providing social support, social exclusion and depression. The statistical methods used for data analysis were exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, reliability analysis and structural equation modeling analysis using the IBM SPSS 21 program and IBM AMOS 21 program. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, social support perceived by elderly participating in physical activity influenced negatively on social exclusion. Second, social support perceived by elderly participating in physical activity influenced negatively on depression. Third, social exclusion perceived by elderly participating in physical activity influenced positively on depression.
Key Words
신체활동, 참여노인, 사회적지원, 사회적배제, 우울, physical activity, social support, social exclusion, depression
The Effect of Objectified Body Consciousness of Grown-up Women Participating in Yoga Training on Optimism and Self-expression 요가수련 참여 성인여성의 객체화된 신체의식이 긍정적 사고와 자기표현에 미치는 영향
송순자SongSunja , 황향희HwangHyang-hee , 김보람KimBo-ram
56(5) 473-484, 2017
The Effect of Objectified Body Consciousness of Grown-up Women Participating in Yoga Training on Optimism and Self-expression 요가수련 참여 성인여성의 객체화된 신체의식이 긍정적 사고와 자기표현에 미치는 영향
송순자SongSunja , 황향희HwangHyang-hee , 김보람KimBo-ram
This study investigated how objectified body consciousness of grown-up women participating in yoga training affects optimism and self-expression, and emphasized on importance of physical, psychological and emotional health of yoga training, hence aimed to set up the right appearance and a view of body, continuously develop and vitalize yoga, and at the same time provide base data that helps leading physical, psychological and emotional health for modern people. In order to achieve the above study aim, grown-up women aged over 20 who were taking yoga training at 7 yoga centers of commercial sports facilities located in Korea in 2015, were set as the population, and using convenience sampling method, total of 400 questionnaires were collected and 367 were used in the actual analysis. The results were as follow. Firstly, as higher the shame of objectified body consciousness of grown-up women participating in yoga training, pursuit of goal appeared to be low, and as higher the monitoring, subjective satisfaction appeared to be high. In addition, as higher the control belief, pursuit of goal and subjective satisfaction which are sub factors of optimism, appeared to be high. Secondly, as higher the control belief which is a sub factor of objectified body consciousness of grown-up women participating in yoga training, self-expression appeared to be affected. Thirdly, subjective satisfaction which is a sub factor of optimism of grown-up women participating in yoga training, appeared to affect self-expression. Based on this, on top of yoga that can approach modern people not only with a physical goal but also with psychological aspects, enthusiastic yoga vitalization is necessary, for diversity of yoga programs through emotional and psychological approach through physical aspects of a yoga program that grown-up women can approach easily, and for more active and continuous participation of yoga training participants.
The Structural Relationship between Serious Leisure, Leisure Support, Leisure Satisfaction and Psychological Happiness among Leisure Activity Participants 여가활동 참여자의 진지한 여가, 여가지지, 여가만족, 심리적 행복감 간의 구조적 관계
56(5) 485-496, 2017
The Structural Relationship between Serious Leisure, Leisure Support, Leisure Satisfaction and Psychological Happiness among Leisure Activity Participants 여가활동 참여자의 진지한 여가, 여가지지, 여가만족, 심리적 행복감 간의 구조적 관계
The purpose of research was to a structural relationship between serious leisure, leisure support, leisure satisfaction and psychological happiness among leisure activity participants. The subject of this research selected 264 persons who participated the leisure activity and lived Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, and Chungcheng-do. After the researchers got the consent to leisure activity club members, we are surveyed the questionnaires by self-administration. For the data processing, I used the SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 program which offered frequency, reliability, confirmatory factor, correlation analysis, and structural equaling model. The result was as follows; The first, serious leisure of leisure activity participants effect on leisure support. The second, serious leisure of leisure activity participants did not effect on leisure satisfaction. The third, serious leisure of leisure activity participants effect on psychological happiness. The forth, leisure support of leisure activity participants effect on leisure satisfaction. The fifth, leisure support of leisure activity participants did not effect on psychological happiness. The sixth, leisure satisfaction of leisure activity participants effect on psychological happiness. Therefore, the purpose of leisure activity would be offered the quality of life to leisure participants. We have to find various ways for the infra which is participated in leisure activity.
Analysis of Relationship among the Quality of Human and Material Service and Consumer Trust in order to Increase Persistent Usage of University Fitness Center 대학 피트니스센터의 이용지속성 강화를 위한 인적·물적 서비스 품질과 소비자신뢰 간 역할관계 분석
석부길SeokBoogil , 조정환ChoJunghwan , 고경진KoKyongjin
56(5) 497-509, 2017
Analysis of Relationship among the Quality of Human and Material Service and Consumer Trust in order to Increase Persistent Usage of University Fitness Center 대학 피트니스센터의 이용지속성 강화를 위한 인적·물적 서비스 품질과 소비자신뢰 간 역할관계 분석
석부길SeokBoogil , 조정환ChoJunghwan , 고경진KoKyongjin
Purpose of this research is to validate the role for quality of service by whether the quality of service of university fitness center might affect consumer trust and persistent usage intention. The quality of service is essential factor of sport facility vitalization which is composed of human, and material service. Subjects of research are composed of 202 university students and faculty members at major universities in Korea. Research instrument was based on self-administration method by questionnaire and research method consisted of frequency analysis, reliability test, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, model fit and path analysis. The results of research are as follows. First, human service, one of the quality of fitness center service, showed that it had statistically significant effect on consumer trust and in order to build consumer trust the qualitative improvement of employees and instructors might be important. Second, material service, one of the quality of fitness center service, showed that it had statistically significant effect on consumer trust. Third, consumer trust has positive effects on persistent usage intention. As a result, excellent facilities, appropriate place arrangement and retention of amenities are necessary components of establishing positive consumer trust and persistence usage intention.
Key Words
피트니스센터, 서비스 품질, 소비자신뢰, 이용지속의도, Fitness center, Quality of service, Consumer trust, Persistent usage intention
Structural Relationship between Leisure Participation, Successful Aging, and Social Support among Older Adults in Korea 노인들의 여가참여, 성공적 노화, 그리고 사회적지지의 구조적 관계
사혜지SaHyeJi , 이철원LeeChulWon , 김민정KimMinJeong
56(5) 511-521, 2017
Structural Relationship between Leisure Participation, Successful Aging, and Social Support among Older Adults in Korea 노인들의 여가참여, 성공적 노화, 그리고 사회적지지의 구조적 관계
사혜지SaHyeJi , 이철원LeeChulWon , 김민정KimMinJeong
The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effects of social support on the relationship between leisure participation and successful aging among Korean older adults. To achieve the goal of the study, a total 267 questionnaires were collected from Korea older adults. The collected data were analyzed and interpreted by SPSS and AMOS. Fore the analysis, frequency analysis, validity test, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis and structural equation model analysis were performed. The results of this study are as follows. First, leisure participant had a significant relationship with social support. Second, social support was significantly related to successful aging. Third, leisure participant and successful aging were not significantly related. Forth, social support was found to have a mediating effect between leisure participant and successful aging.
Influence of Communication Satisfaction on Serious Leisure and Exercise Adherence in Tennis Club Members 테니스 동호인의 커뮤니케이션 만족이 진지한 여가와 운동지속에 미치는 영향
양태진YangTae-jin , 김인형KimIn-hyung
56(5) 523-535, 2017
Influence of Communication Satisfaction on Serious Leisure and Exercise Adherence in Tennis Club Members 테니스 동호인의 커뮤니케이션 만족이 진지한 여가와 운동지속에 미치는 영향
양태진YangTae-jin , 김인형KimIn-hyung
This study was performed to identify the influences of communication satisfaction on serious leisure and exercise adherence in tennis club members. In order to the study, 231 tennis club members in B city and G namdo were selected. Data were analyzed through factor analysis, reliability, and multiple regression analysis and following conclusions were drawn. First, environmental communication had an effect on the perseverance, professionalism, effort, and identification of serious leisure. Also interpersonal communication had an influenced on internal rewards and the unique ethos was influenced by environmental and interpersonal communication in an order of significance. Second, environmental communication had an effect on exercise abilities & habits and exercise environments was influenced by environmental and interpersonal communication in order. Also, interests in exercise and partners was influenced by interpersonal and environmental communication. Third, professionalism, internal rewards, effort, and perseverance in order meaningfully influenced the exercise abilities and exercise habits was influenced by identification, perseverance, effort, unique ethos and internal rewards in order. Also interests in exercise and partners was influenced by effort and internal rewards in order.
Key Words
테니스 동호인, 커뮤니케이션 만족, 진지한 여가, 운동지속, tennis club members, communication satisfaction, serious leisure, exercise adherence
The Moderating Effect of Leisure Constraint Negotiation on the Relationship between Leisure Facilitator and Recreation Specialization 여가촉진과 레크리에이션 전문화의 관계에서 여가제약협상의 조절효과
56(5) 537-548, 2017
The Moderating Effect of Leisure Constraint Negotiation on the Relationship between Leisure Facilitator and Recreation Specialization 여가촉진과 레크리에이션 전문화의 관계에서 여가제약협상의 조절효과
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of leisure facilitatior and leisure constraint negotiation on the recreation specialization in badminton participant and to identify the moderating effect of leisure constraint negotiation. Participants in the study were badminton participants, and 296 questionnaires were used for final analysis. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 18.0 program. All the sub-factors of leisure facilitator and leisure constraint negotiation had a partially positive effect on recreation specialization. In addition, leisure constraint negotiation had a moderating effect on the relationship between leisure facilitator and recreation specialization. In conclusion, leisure constraint negotiation plays an important role to actively participate in leisure activities, and further studies are needed.
Phenomenological Analysis of the Female Ice Hockey National Team on Athletic Performance Development 여자 아이스하키 국가대표팀의 경기력 향상에 관한 현상학적 분석
박광원Kwang-wonPark , 강현욱Hyun-wookKang
56(5) 549-560, 2017
Phenomenological Analysis of the Female Ice Hockey National Team on Athletic Performance Development 여자 아이스하키 국가대표팀의 경기력 향상에 관한 현상학적 분석
박광원Kwang-wonPark , 강현욱Hyun-wookKang
The study was to analyzes the athletic performance development of female Ice Hockey national team based on their effective experiences. In addition, the study demonstrated experience and variation of female Ice Hockey national team on purpose of this study through qualitative research method. Four conclusions were suggested. First of all, factor of first athletic performance development indicated dream of national team. It consisted of casual athlete’s life and national team athlete’s life. Secondly, second factor of athletic performance development demonstrated effective environments such as teamwork between group members of national team and importance of coaching. Thirdly, third factor of athletic performance development appeared the female Ice Hockey team’s pleasure itself which comprised only a sociable community of national team. Fourth, the last factor of athletic performance development observed restoration of frustration such as willingness on overcoming injury and special training.
Key Words
여자 아이스하키 국가대표팀, 경기력 향상, 질적연구방법, 현상학적 분석, female ice hockey national team, athletic performance, qualitative method, phenomenological analysis
The Effect of Leisure Constraint on Leisure Function and Career Identity in University Students 대학생의 여가제약이 여가기능 및 진로정체감에 미치는 영향
정기홍JungKi-hong , 안동수AnDong-soo , 윤영선YoonYoung-sun
56(5) 561-576, 2017
The Effect of Leisure Constraint on Leisure Function and Career Identity in University Students 대학생의 여가제약이 여가기능 및 진로정체감에 미치는 영향
정기홍JungKi-hong , 안동수AnDong-soo , 윤영선YoonYoung-sun
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of leisure constraints on leisure function and career identity in university students from March to June, 2017. First, the negative perception factors of leisure constraints have had the effect of positive attention to leisure controlled, leisure confident, leisure infatuation, leisure desires factor leisure insufficiency condition factor positive (+) significant in leisure needs factors. On the other hand injury risk factors are a significant part in leisure infatuation factor - had an impact (-). Second, the facility environment factors of leisure constraint had a positive(+) influence on career self - doubt and career flexibility of career identity, and negative recognition factors were general career search, in - depth career search, career self - doubt, (+) Influence on the factors. The factors of shortage of environment had a positive effect on career self - doubt and career flexibility. The lack of time had a positive effect on career self - doubt and career unity, (-), respectively. Third, the leisure control factors of leisure function had a positive effect on the career path identity and the factor of career cohesiveness. The leisure confidence factor had positive influence on the career search, . The leisure intention factors had a positive (+) effect on all sub - factors of career preparation behavior, and the leisure needs factor showed a positive (+) influence on overall career search and in - depth career search.
Key Words
여가제약, 여가기능, 진로정체감, 대학생, leisure constraint, leisure function, career identity, university students
Changes and Tasks of School Dance Education in accordance with the 2015 Revised Curriculum 2015 개정 교육과정에 따른 학교무용교육의 변화와 과제
56(5) 577-587, 2017
Changes and Tasks of School Dance Education in accordance with the 2015 Revised Curriculum 2015 개정 교육과정에 따른 학교무용교육의 변화와 과제
The purpose of this study is to investigate the changes of school dance education according to revision curriculum and to explore the tasks of school dance education to cope with it. To do this, we analyzed literature on 2015 revised curriculum documents, curriculum commentaries, curriculum materials of public hearing, dissertations, and journal articles, and examined the changes and tasks of school dance education according to the revised curriculum from a holistic and diverse perspective. The results of the study are as follows. First, we investigated the change of school dance education according to 2015 revision curriculum. It can be seen that the school dance education is facing ‘external changes such as transition to competences centered dance education’ and ‘external changes such as diversification of dance education’. Second, we explored the tasks of school dance education according to 2015 revised curriculum. It is necessary to identify the ‘exploring elements of competence’, ‘differentiating the goals’ in the goal dimension, ‘re-conceptualizing the content of dance’, ‘involving various physical activities’ in the content dimension, ‘strengthening the initiative’, ‘being flexibility’ in the method dimension. Based on the results of this study, I propose to diversify the training of instructors related to the curriculum, to activate the community of practice for school dance education, and to develop and practice educational programs for each type.
Key Words
2015 개정 교육과정, 교육과정, 학교무용교육, 무용교육, 2015 revised curriculum, curriculum, school dance education, dance education
Development of Dance Movement Therapy Program for Chronic Stroke Patient and Effect of its Application on Postural Stability Ability, Depression and Quality of Life 만성뇌졸중환자를 위한 무용동작치료프로그램 개발과 그 적용이 자세조절능력과 우울감 및 삶의 질에 미치는 영향
56(5) 589-605, 2017
Development of Dance Movement Therapy Program for Chronic Stroke Patient and Effect of its Application on Postural Stability Ability, Depression and Quality of Life 만성뇌졸중환자를 위한 무용동작치료프로그램 개발과 그 적용이 자세조절능력과 우울감 및 삶의 질에 미치는 영향
This study has the purposes of developing dance movement therapy program for chronic stroke patient and finding the effect of its application on postural stability ability, depression and quality of life. The subjects of this study were 5 severe stroke patient in care hospital and 5 slight stroke patient in day care center, who participated in dance movement therapy program, and 5 people of controlled group. Dance movement therapy program were given at care hospital and day care center by one main instructor and assistant instructor 50 minutes at a time, twice a week for 8 weeks. The study results are follows : First, in muscular strength of stroke patient, controlled group became worse at healthless parts. In muscle endurance, that of upper body showed a significant difference between severe chronic stroke patients and slight stroke patients. In flexibility, a significant difference were shown in slight stroke patients. Second, a significant difference were shown at slight stroke patients in posture maintenance among postural stability ability and at severe stroke patients in posture change. Third, a significant difference were shown at slight stroke patients in level of depression. Fourth, in quality of life, severe stroke patients showed a significant difference in movement capability, self-care capability and character. Slight stroke patients showed a significant difference in character and family role. Controlled group showed a significant difference in social role.
Key Words
만성뇌졸중 환자, 무용동작치료프로그램, 일상생활체력, 자세조절능력, 우울감, 삶의 질, chronic stroke, dance movement therapy program, postural stability ability, depression, quality of life
Relations among Tendency of Perfectionism, Self-Management and Competition Anxiety of the High School Students Majoring in Dancing 무용전공 고등학생의 완벽주의성향과 자기관리, 경쟁불안의 관계
56(5) 607-619, 2017
Relations among Tendency of Perfectionism, Self-Management and Competition Anxiety of the High School Students Majoring in Dancing 무용전공 고등학생의 완벽주의성향과 자기관리, 경쟁불안의 관계
This study aims to investigate the relations among tendency of perfectionism, self-management and competition anxiety of the high school students majoring in dancing, which conducted the survey with 199 subjects who prepared the entrance examinations to the universities in three high schools of arts. Upon the analysis results first, male students showed higher tendency of socially prescribed perfectionism and self-confidence than females while the latter showed higher level of physical anxiety than the former. Second, the tendency of perfectionism on self-orientation showed positive impact on all the subsets of self-management including exercise control, inter-personal control, physical control, and so on, while tendency of socially prescribed perfectionism showed negatively on all the subsets of self-management. Third, tendency of other-oriented perfectionism showed positive impact on physical anxiety and cognitive anxiety, while negatively on the status self-confidence. In addition, tendency of self-oriented perfectionism showed the impact on the status self-confidence positively, and tendency of socially prescribed perfectionism on cognitive anxiety, as well.
Key Words
무용전공고등학생, 완벽주의 성향, 자기관리, 경쟁불안, Perfectionism, Self-Management, Competition Anxiety, High School Students Majoring in Dancing
Study on the Correlation Between the Financial Conditions and the Business Performance of Public Sports Service Organizations 공공스포츠서비스 조직의 재정과 경영성과와의 관계 연구
유한웅YooHan-woong , 강현민KangHyun-min
56(5) 621-637, 2017
Study on the Correlation Between the Financial Conditions and the Business Performance of Public Sports Service Organizations 공공스포츠서비스 조직의 재정과 경영성과와의 관계 연구
유한웅YooHan-woong , 강현민KangHyun-min
The purpose of this study is to analyze the close connection between the financial condition and the business performance implemented by public sports service organizations and to suggest advises to improve people’s life quality through sports. The researcher selected public sports service organizations, such as MCST, KOCOSA, KSPO, KPC, KOC with their affiliated organizations and extracted data of each organization`s financial information since 1998. For data analysis, the study carried (partially) correlated analysis. The results were found as follows; First, KSPO shows very high levels of corrrelation with other sports organizations except MCST. Second, the sports organizations financial conditions contributed to the enhancement of athletic performance but it did not have an strong correlation to the performance of international games. There was no statistically significant correlation in sport participation. Also, it showed the same result in the field of adapted physical activity and exercise.
Key Words
스포츠조직, 경영성과, 체육재정, 스포츠재정, 체육 참여, 엘리트 체육, 전문 체육, 생활 체육, 장애인 체육, 체육 예산, 정부의 체육 지원, 스포츠 선순환, Sports organization, Business performance, Sport finance, Sport participation, Elite sport, Sport for all, Sport budget, Governmental investment in sport, Virtuous c
A Study on Priority Order of the factor Survival Swimming Using Analytical Hierarchy Process 분석적 계층화 과정을 활용한 생존수영 구성요인과 우선순위에 대한 연구
56(5) 639-650, 2017
A Study on Priority Order of the factor Survival Swimming Using Analytical Hierarchy Process 분석적 계층화 과정을 활용한 생존수영 구성요인과 우선순위에 대한 연구
The purpose of this study was to explore an in-depth survey and analysis hierarchy process for the level of survival swimming. In order to identify survival swimming for safety, was conducted with total 30 experts who related to experiences of survival swimming and professor any other experts. All data was encoded for the statistical analyses including a frequency analysis using Excel program and a hierarchy structure analysis utilizing EC-2000. The obtained results through the study were as follows. First, there were four survival swimming factors, such as, Floating in water, breathing, maintenance of body temperature and kicking found out. Second, the priorities of an act in the survive swimming, followed by floating face-up, head up, rhythmical breathing, sculling, breaststroke kick, squatting, mouth breathing and backstroke kick, were perceived.
Key Words
생존수영, 분석적계층화과정, 델파이기법, 우선순위, 물에 뜨기, Survival Swimming Expert, Analysis Hierarchy Process, Delphi Survey, Floating in water
The Effect of 8 Weeks Rope-Skipping Exercise and Taekwondo Exercise on Blood lipids, Vascular Compliance, Oxidant Stress and Antioxidant Capacity in Middle Aged Men 8주간 줄넘기운동과 태권도수련이 중년남성의 신체구성, 혈중지질, 혈관탄성, 산화적 스트레스 및 항산화 능력에 미치는 영향
The Effect of 8 Weeks Rope-Skipping Exercise and Taekwondo Exercise on Blood lipids, Vascular Compliance, Oxidant Stress and Antioxidant Capacity in Middle Aged Men 8주간 줄넘기운동과 태권도수련이 중년남성의 신체구성, 혈중지질, 혈관탄성, 산화적 스트레스 및 항산화 능력에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to compare and analyze the effect of Taekwondo training including rope skipping exercise on body composition, blood lipid, vascular compliance, oxidative stress and antioxidant capacity, and to investigate the effects of combined exercise on metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease prevention. 21 middle-aged man were divided into 3 groups: rope skipping exercise+Taekwondo exercise group (n=7), Taekwondo exercise group (n=7) and control group (n=7). Measurement variables were body composition(weght, lean mass, fat mass, %fat, WHR, BMR, BMI), vascular compliance (PWV), oxidative stress(FORT) and antioxidant capacity(FORD). The repeated measure ANOVA was conducted to analyze the differences and interactions between groups and periods. In the case of any difference, t-test was conducted to perform post hoc test between pre and post treatment and the contrast was conducted to perform post hoc test between groups. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used between groups, and repeated measures t-test was used between groups. All significance levels were verified at .05. As a result, the rope skipping exercise+Taekwondo exercise group also showed statistically significant changes in the body composition(weght, lean mass, fat mass, %fat, WHR, BMR, BMI), vascular compliance(PWV), oxidative stress(FORT) and antioxidant capacity(FORD). Consequently, it shows that 8 weeks Taekwondo training including rope skipping exercise made a positive effect on body composition, vascular compliance, oxidative stress and antioxidant capacity in middle-aged man.
Evolution of Exercise Performance and Medical Assessments in U-12 Youth Football Players U-12 유소년 축구선수의 운동수행력 및 의학적 평가
서상원SeoSang-won , 이호성LeeHo-seong
56(5) 665-677, 2017
Evolution of Exercise Performance and Medical Assessments in U-12 Youth Football Players U-12 유소년 축구선수의 운동수행력 및 의학적 평가
서상원SeoSang-won , 이호성LeeHo-seong
This study aimed to examine the evolution of exercise performance and medical assessments in U-12 youth football players. Participants were recruited from an youth football players (YFG, n=15; 11.2 ± 0.9 yrs) and normal youth (CON, n=15; 11.5 ± 0.6 yrs). Both groups were tested for exercise performance (health related physical fitness, skill related physical fitness, functional movement screen; FMS and Y-balance) and medical assessments (lower extremity alignment, range of motion; ROM and manual muscle test; MMT). YFG showed a positive effects on pacer in health related physical fitness, 50-m run and Single-leg standing with eyes closed in skill related physical fitness, active straight leg raise and rotary stability in FMS, non-dominant composite score in Y-balance, respectively compared to CON. However, YFG showed a negative effects on Q-angle of dominant and non-dominant in lower extremity alignment, dorsiflexion of non-dominant, plantarflexion of dominant and non-dominan in ROM, hip extension and abduction, knee flexion and extension of dominant, knee flexion and extension of non-dominant in MMT, respectively compared to CON. These results indicated that U-12 youth football players have shown excellent exercise performance, but medical assessments has proved negative effects.
Key Words
U-12 유소년 축구선수, 운동수행력, 의학적 평가, U-12 Youth football players, Exercise performance, Medical assessments
Effects of a 12-week Circuit Training on Daily Living Fitness, Isokinetic Function, and Biochemical Property of Muscle in Sarcopenia Elderly Women 12주간의 순환운동이 근감소증 노인 여성의 일상생활체력, 등속성 근기능 및 근육의 생화학적 특성에 미치는 영향
정원상JungWon-sang , 이만균LeeMan-gyoon
56(5) 679-691, 2017
Effects of a 12-week Circuit Training on Daily Living Fitness, Isokinetic Function, and Biochemical Property of Muscle in Sarcopenia Elderly Women 12주간의 순환운동이 근감소증 노인 여성의 일상생활체력, 등속성 근기능 및 근육의 생화학적 특성에 미치는 영향
정원상JungWon-sang , 이만균LeeMan-gyoon
The study was designed to investigate the effects of a 12-week circuit training on daily living fitness, isokinetic function, and biochemical properties of muscle in sarcopenia elderly women. Twenty four sarcopenia elderly women were randomly assigned to one of following two groups, i.e., circuit training group (TR: n=12) and control group (n=12). The subjects in the TR group completed 25-55 min of circuit training program for three times a week during 12 weeks, whereas the subjects in the CON group were asked to maintain their normal lifestyle during the same period of the intervention. Main results of the present study were as follows: 1) Regarding daily living fitness, left grip strength, upper arm flexion, sit-and-reach, one leg standing with eyes-open, up and go, and maximal oxygen consumption improved significantly in the TR group. 2) Regarding isokinetic function, peak torque per body weight and average power at extension and flexion increased significantly at the TR group. 3) Regarding biochemical properties of muscle, IL-6 decreased significantly in the TR group. Based on the results, it was concluded that the 12-week circuit training would contribute on improving daily living fitness, relative value of isokinetic function, and biochemical properties of muscle in sarcopenia elderly women.
Comparison of Physical Fitness, Aerobic/Anaerobic Capacity, and Skills According to Badminton Club Experience in Collegiate Students 남·여 대학생의 배드민턴 동호회 경력에 따른 체력, 유·무산소성 능력 및 배드민턴 기능의 비교
Comparison of Physical Fitness, Aerobic/Anaerobic Capacity, and Skills According to Badminton Club Experience in Collegiate Students 남·여 대학생의 배드민턴 동호회 경력에 따른 체력, 유·무산소성 능력 및 배드민턴 기능의 비교
This study was designed to compare body composition, physical fitness, aerobic/anaerobic capacity, and badminton skills according to badminton club experience. The subjects were 82 male and female collegiate students, and they included 30 students with less than 3 months of club experience, 24 students with 6-18 months of experience, and 28 students with over 24 months of experience. The main results of the study were as follows: 1) The 3 month group had a significantly higher percent body fat than 6-18 month group and over 24 month group. 2) The 3 month group had significantly lower sit-ups, sit-and-reaches, standing long jumps, and sargent jumps than other two groups. 3) The 3 month group also had significantly lower aerobic capacity than other two groups. 4) The 3 month group had significantly lower badminton step skills than other two groups, while all 3 groups displayed significant differences in the badminton stroke skills test, indicating that more experience led to better skills. It was concluded that 6 months of club activity demonstrated more reduction in percent body fat and improvements in physical fitness, aerobic capacity, and badminton step skills than 3 months of activity, whereas improvement in badminton stroke skills was proportionate to a constant participation of over 6 months in club activities.
Effects of Resistance Exercise on GLUT-2 Expression of Liver and Inflammatory Markers of Skeletal Muscle in Diabetic Rats 저항성 운동이 당뇨쥐 간 조직의 GLUT-2 발현 및 골격근 염증지표에 미치는 영향
유인명YooIn-myung , 윤진환YoonJin-hwan , 박세환ParkSe-hwan
56(5) 705-714, 2017
Effects of Resistance Exercise on GLUT-2 Expression of Liver and Inflammatory Markers of Skeletal Muscle in Diabetic Rats 저항성 운동이 당뇨쥐 간 조직의 GLUT-2 발현 및 골격근 염증지표에 미치는 영향
유인명YooIn-myung , 윤진환YoonJin-hwan , 박세환ParkSe-hwan
The main aim of this study was to investigate the effects of resistance exercise on GLUT-2 expression in liver and inflammatory cytokines in skeletal muscle of diabetic rat. Twenty-four male rats were used as subjects. The rats were divided into three groups: LE-C(LETO group), OL-C(OLETF group) and OL-EX(OLETF with resistance exercise group). Resistance exercise consisted of ladder climbing (gradual exercise) 3 days per a week for 8 weeks. The exercise group was trained to climb a 135 cm vertical(85 degree incline) ladder with weights secured to their tails. For 8 weeks, the rats carried out one training session per day, 3 days/week. The body weight was significantly decreased in LE-C compared with OL-C and OL-EX(p<.05). Fasting glucose was significantly lower in OL-EX than OL-C(p<.05). GLUT-2 protein expression of liver was significantly increased in OL-EX compared with OL-C(p<.05). IL-6 and TNF-α were significantly lower in OL-EX, LE-C than OL-C(p<.05) whereas adiponectin and IL-10 were significantly higher than OL-C(p<.05). In conclusion, these results showed that regular resistance exercise intervention can improve glycemic and inflammatory cytokines related with type 2 diabetes.
Key Words
저항성 운동, OLETF 쥐, GLUT-2, 염증, Resistance exercise, OLETF rat, Inflammatory markers
Effects of Body Stability in Sequential Rotation Jumping-landing on Visual Information Selection 시각정보선택이 연속 회전 점프-착지 시 신체안정성에 미치는 영향
우병훈WooByung-hoon , 심재영ShimJae-young
56(5) 715-724, 2017
Effects of Body Stability in Sequential Rotation Jumping-landing on Visual Information Selection 시각정보선택이 연속 회전 점프-착지 시 신체안정성에 미치는 영향
우병훈WooByung-hoon , 심재영ShimJae-young
The purpose of this study was to analyze the kinematic variables(center of mass and head movement) and coefficient of variation on center of pressure movement for body stability during visual information selection. The subjects of this study were 10 female dancers of the ballet companies who had no injuries related to the lower legs (age: 26.0 ± 2.9 yrs, height: 163.4 ± 3.3 cm, weight: 46.8 ± 3.6 kg, career: 12.3 ± 5.9 yrs). Visual information selection was analyzed using three methods: EO: eye open, left eye selection, and right eye selection. Under this conditions, displacement of center of mass and head were obtained by using 3D motion analysis system, and coefficient of variation of center of pressure was obtained by using ground reaction force. The results were as follows; The displacement of center of mass and head showed larger displacement in antero-posterior direction than medio-lateral direction(p<.001), and left eye selection showed greater movement than right eye selection(p<.001). Coefficient of variation of center of pressure was greater in the antero-posterior direction than medio-lateral direction(p<.001). As a post-hoc result of the interaction test, the center of pressure showed greater variability in the antero-posterior direction than the medio-lateral direction in both foot(p<.001), and the left foot showed greater variability than the right foot(p<.001).
Association of Ground Reaction Force and Kinematics Factors with Step and Non-step Conditions during Round House Kick to The Trunk in Teakwondo 태권도 몸통 돌려차기 시 제자리 스텝 유·무에 따른 지면반발력과 운동학적 요인들의 상관관계 연구
56(5) 725-734, 2017
Association of Ground Reaction Force and Kinematics Factors with Step and Non-step Conditions during Round House Kick to The Trunk in Teakwondo 태권도 몸통 돌려차기 시 제자리 스텝 유·무에 따른 지면반발력과 운동학적 요인들의 상관관계 연구
The aim of this study was to investigate the association of ground reaction force and kinematics factors with step and non-step conditions during round house kick to the trunk in Teakwondo. 10 unversity taekwondo players (age: 21.20±1.03 years, height: 1.79±5.35 m, weight: 73.06±5.82 kg) participated in this study. All ground reaction force and kinematics data during round house kick were collected and were analyzed by Pearson’s coefficients of correlation with 2 conditions(step and non-step). During the round house kick to the trunk, Pearson correlation were showed: high correlation coefficients in peak ML GRF force and peak ML linear velocity of ankle joint, in peak AP GRF force and peak AP linear velocity of right and left hip joint, in peak vertical GRF force and total time variable with step condition, while the peak AP GRF force is associated with peak AP linear velocity of right knee, hip, left hip joint and peak vertical linear velocity of right hip and peak angular velocity of trunk segment with the non-step condition.
Key Words
몸통 돌려차기, 스텝, 지면반발력, 운동학적 요인, Round house kick to trunk, Step, Ground reaction force, Kinematic factors
The Effect of Physical Characteristic, Lower Body Muscle Mass, Muscle Strength on Short Physical Performance Test, Walking Daily and Gait Performance in Older Adults 노인의 신체적 특성, 하지 근육량 및 하지 근력이 간이 신체 수행력 검사, 일상보행 및 보행 능력 변인에 미치는 영향
56(5) 735-745, 2017
The Effect of Physical Characteristic, Lower Body Muscle Mass, Muscle Strength on Short Physical Performance Test, Walking Daily and Gait Performance in Older Adults 노인의 신체적 특성, 하지 근육량 및 하지 근력이 간이 신체 수행력 검사, 일상보행 및 보행 능력 변인에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between physical characteristics (age, height, sex, body weight, and BMI), lower body muscle mass, muscle strength, abdominal body performance and walking ability of the elderly in their late 60s. A total of 70 elderly persons were enrolled in the study using Dexa (double X-ray absorption spectrophotometry), isokinetic dynamometer, short physical performance test (obstacle walking, timed up and go, chair- and fast walking). The measured data were subjected to multiple regression analysis by stepwise linear regression. The results of this study indicate that lean mass and age did not have a significant effect on short performance test and walking ability, but weight standardized ankle strength (Ankle_per_BM) was found to significantly affect performance in all areas. In addition, height was found to be a potential influencial factor on short body performance and walking ability of the elderly. The results of this study suggest that the ankle muscle strength of the current lower body strength is more important than the age effect in the elderly over 60 years old and that the improvement of muscle strength with proper weight control alone can compensate the functional lowering by aging.
Key Words
신체적 특성, 근육량, 근력, 간이 신체수행력 검사, 일상보행, 보행능력 평가 변인, physical characteristic, muscle mass, muscle strength, short physical performance test, gait performance
Analysis of the Participation Process of Physical Activity for People with Physical Disabilities Applying Affective Model 지체장애인의 신체활동 참여과정 분석을 위한 정서적 모형 검증
박진우ParkJin-woo , 이현수LeeHyun-su
56(5) 747-763, 2017
Analysis of the Participation Process of Physical Activity for People with Physical Disabilities Applying Affective Model 지체장애인의 신체활동 참여과정 분석을 위한 정서적 모형 검증
박진우ParkJin-woo , 이현수LeeHyun-su
The purpose of this study was to verify whether the affective model of Driver (2008) is applicable to the analysis of the physical activity participation process of the people with physical disabilities in Korea and to verify the relationship between the variables. The participants of this study were those who were living in Pusan, Ulsan, and Gyeongnam and who were registered with the Disabled Persons Association as a population, and the people with disabilities who were participating in the sports activity club among them were surveyed through convenience sampling were used for final data processing. Using the SPSS 21.0 program, population sociological characteristics were used for frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis was used to test the validity of the collected data, and Cronbachs' value was used for reliability test and the statistically significant level (p) is fixed as .05. And Amos 20.0 program were utilized to conduct path analysis. The results are the following. First, the empirical model for analyzing the participation process of the people with physical disabilities was found to be appropriate. Second, as a result of the affective model, it was found that social support, affect, affect and physical activity participation, physical self - worth and affect did not affect significantly.
Key Words
정서적 모형, 지체장애인, 신체활동 참여, affective model, people with physical disabilities, physical activity participation
Research Trends in the Academic Fields of Developmental Disabilities and Adapted Physical Education in Korea 발달장애인과 특수체육에 대한 국내 학술분야의 연구동향
박준태ParkJun-tae , 박기용ParkKi-yong
56(5) 765-781, 2017
Research Trends in the Academic Fields of Developmental Disabilities and Adapted Physical Education in Korea 발달장애인과 특수체육에 대한 국내 학술분야의 연구동향
박준태ParkJun-tae , 박기용ParkKi-yong
This study is to learn the trend in research on developmental disabilities in Korea by examining research papers on developmental disabilities and Adapted physical education. Total 111 papers published between 2001 and December 2016 were selected for analysis, and these papers were analyzed on terms of: yearly trends in the academic journals; age groups of research targets; types of research; design methodologies of research; experimental research variables analysis; qualitative research type, data collection method; survey research sample; and literature analysis method. The results were derived as the following: First, the number of researches were increasing since 2004, faltered for a while, and returned to increase. Second, researches on preschoolers and elementary school students took up the most part. Third, most researches were conducted as experimental researches and survey researches, and thus, it is necessary to diversify the types of research. Fourth, more researches are done on experimental groups than on single subjects, and thus, there shall be more single subject researches in the future. Fifth, basic motor skill is the most popular independent variable among all experimental researches, and thus, there shall be more researches on physical activities. Sixth, for dependent variables in experimental researches, researches on the domains of affective and psychomotor were dominant, and thus, there shall be researches on cognitive domain for brain development, the major cause of developmental disabilities. Based on the analysis, this study suggests the future directions for the studies on physical education of students with developmental disabilities.
The Effects of Exercise on Depression Experience of People with Physical Disabilities 지체장애인의 운동 참여가 우울감 경험에 미치는 영향
56(5) 783-791, 2017
The Effects of Exercise on Depression Experience of People with Physical Disabilities 지체장애인의 운동 참여가 우울감 경험에 미치는 영향
The aim of this study was to provide basic data for the mental health of people with physical disabilities by analyzing the association between their participation in physical activity and depression experience. To accomplish this goal, the author analyzed a total of 3,436 people who were registered as disabled person using the data of the 2014 Census for the Disabled in Korea. The main variables of the study are participation in exercise, exercise frequency, exercise time, and experience of depression. The data was then analyzed by performing crossover analysis and logistic regression analysis using SPSS 18.0 program with the statistical significance set at p < .05. The results of the study are as follows. First of all, there is a high possibility that people with physical disabilities participating in exercise do not experience feelings of depression. Secondly, it is highly possible that persons with physical disabilities who participate in exercise for more than 30 minutes have not experienced feeling of depression. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage the physically disabled people to participate in regular exercise for more than 30 minutes per session to minimize possible experience of depression by the physically disabled people.
Key Words
지체장애, 우울감 경험, 운동 참여, 운동 시간, 운동 빈도, physical disability, depression experience, participation in exercise, frequency, time
Comparison of the Factor Structure and Latent Mean Analysis of Disability Sports Awareness Perceived by People without Disabilities and People with Physical Disabilities 비장애인과 지체장애인의 장애인스포츠인식 요인구조 비교 및 잠재평균분석
서은철Eun-chulSeo , 오아라Ah-raOh
56(5) 793-805, 2017
Comparison of the Factor Structure and Latent Mean Analysis of Disability Sports Awareness Perceived by People without Disabilities and People with Physical Disabilities 비장애인과 지체장애인의 장애인스포츠인식 요인구조 비교 및 잠재평균분석
서은철Eun-chulSeo , 오아라Ah-raOh
The purpose of this study was to examine the factor structure with regard to whether the disability sports awareness scale developed for people without disabilities is reproducible to people with physical disabilities, and verify latent mean differences in how different the disability sports awareness by the people without disabilities and people with disabilities are. The subjects of this study were limited to people without disabilities and people with disabilities living in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon and Chungnam areas, and this study collected data of 655 respondents with 397 people without disabilities and 258 people with disabilities. The disability sports awareness scale developed by Seo(2015) was used, and the results analyzed by applying exploratory structural equation model and latent mean analysis method were as follows. First, this study compared the disabled sports awareness factor structure by applying ESEM to people without disabilities and people with disabilities, and the scale was found to be valid for the people with disabilities as well to measure disability sports awareness. Second, from the analysis of comparing latent mean of the difference of disability sports awareness between people without disabilities and people with disabilities, there was a difference between people with disabilities and people without disabilities in disability sports awareness. Specifically, the level of individual injury dimension was perceived to be higher in the people with disabilities group, and the individual psychology dimension and social culture dimension were perceived to be higher in the people without disabilities group.
The Analysis of Difference and Concept Mapping Regarding Pedagogical Content Knowledge(PCK) of Inclusive Education between Prospective and Experienced Physical Education Teachers 통합교육의 내용교수지식(PCK)에 관한 예비·경력체육교사의 개념도 구성과 특성 차이 분석
김욱KimUk , 김지태KimJi-tae
56(5) 807-822, 2017
The Analysis of Difference and Concept Mapping Regarding Pedagogical Content Knowledge(PCK) of Inclusive Education between Prospective and Experienced Physical Education Teachers 통합교육의 내용교수지식(PCK)에 관한 예비·경력체육교사의 개념도 구성과 특성 차이 분석
김욱KimUk , 김지태KimJi-tae
This research aimed to examine the conceptual map of pedagogical content knowledge(PCK) of prospective and experienced teachers on inclusive education, and conduct a comparative analysis on the difference between the characteristics of the conceptual maps of each groups, in order to observe the knowledge conception and professionalism of the two groups on pedagogical content knowledge. To do so, the research used quota sampling, to extract the total sample of 60, which consisted 30 prospective and 30 experienced physical education teachers, each from the three regions of Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, and Chungcheongnam-do. For data analysis, independent t-test was conducted using the conceptual map method of Novak & Gowin(1984), and SPSS Win version 22.0. The findings are as follows: First, after analyzing the superordinate factors described in the conceptual map, it was found that the categories and the total number of superordinate concepts varied. Second, after analyzing the subordinate concepts identified in the conceptual map of the two groups, the categories and the total number of subordinate concepts differed between the two groups. Third, the characteristics of superordinate concepts encompassing both the depth and the degree of knowledge conception and professionalism, between the two groups, were not found to be significantly different, indicating that the difference of knowledge conception and professionalism of the two groups on inclusive education PCK. These findings are expected to contribute to the training of teachers in achieving a more practical inclusive education.
Kinematic Analysis of Upper Extremities According to Forehand Drive Directions in Wheelchair Table Tennis: A Case Study on the National Athletes with Physical Disabilities 휠체어탁구 포핸드 드라이브 방향에 따른 상지의 운동학적 분석: 지체장애 국가대표 사례연구
Kinematic Analysis of Upper Extremities According to Forehand Drive Directions in Wheelchair Table Tennis: A Case Study on the National Athletes with Physical Disabilities 휠체어탁구 포핸드 드라이브 방향에 따른 상지의 운동학적 분석: 지체장애 국가대표 사례연구
The purpose of this study was to investigate three dimentional kinematical pattern of upper-trunk and upper-body joints during forehand drive between stroke directions in five Korean national wheelchair table tennis players. Each player performed a forehand drive in the direction of the cross, middle, and straight. At this time, 8 infrared cameras and 27 reflection markers were used to analyze the movement of the athletes. In this study, the angles of the wrist, elbow, and shoulder joints were changed shortly before the impact in order to change the direction of the ball. On the other hand, some athletes showed a motion to provide a visual clue to anticipate the batting preceded by the movement of the body in the backswing section. Therefore, as in Study 2, player's upper- body should fixed in the backswing, and the body should preceded shortly before the swing movement.
Key Words
지체장애, 휠체어 탁구, 포핸드 드라이브, 스트로크 방향, Person with physical disability, Wheelchair table tennis, Forehead drive, Stroke directions